Paper 2, Section I, D

Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2012

Consider the dynamical system

x˙=μx+x3axy,y˙=μx2y,\dot{x}=\mu x+x^{3}-a x y, \quad \dot{y}=\mu-x^{2}-y,

where aa is a constant.

(a) Show that there is a bifurcation from the fixed point (0,μ)(0, \mu) at μ=0\mu=0.

(b) Find the extended centre manifold at leading non-trivial order in xx. Hence find the type of bifurcation, paying particular attention to the special values a=1a=1 and a=1a=-1. [Hint. At leading order, the extended centre manifold is of the form y=μ+αx2+βμx2+γx4y=\mu+\alpha x^{2}+\beta \mu x^{2}+\gamma x^{4}, where α,β,γ\alpha, \beta, \gamma are constants to be determined.]

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