Paper 2, Section II, I

Differential Geometry | Part II, 2012

Define the Gauss map NN for an oriented surface SR3S \subset \mathbb{R}^{3}. Show that at each pSp \in S the derivative of the Gauss map

dNp:TpSTN(p)S2=TpSd N_{p}: T_{p} S \rightarrow T_{N(p)} S^{2}=T_{p} S

is self-adjoint. Define the principal curvatures k1,k2k_{1}, k_{2} of SS.

Now suppose that SS is compact (and without boundary). By considering the square of the distance to the origin, or otherwise, prove that SS has a point pp with k1(p)k2(p)>0k_{1}(p) k_{2}(p)>0.

[You may assume that the intersection of SS with a plane through the normal direction at pSp \in S contains a regular curve through pp.]

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