Paper 3, Section II, I

Differential Geometry | Part II, 2012

For a surface SR3S \subset \mathbb{R}^{3}, define what is meant by the exponential mapping exp pp at pSp \in S, geodesic polar coordinates (r,θ)(r, \theta) and geodesic circles.

Let E,F,GE, F, G be the coefficients of the first fundamental form in geodesic polar coordinates (r,θ)(r, \theta). Prove that limr0G(r,θ)=0\lim _{r \rightarrow 0} \sqrt{G}(r, \theta)=0 and limr0(G)r(r,θ)=1\lim _{r \rightarrow 0}(\sqrt{G})_{r}(r, \theta)=1. Give an expression for the Gaussian curvature KK in terms of GG.

Prove that the Gaussian curvature at a point pSp \in S satisfies

K(p)=limr012(πr2Ap(r))πr4K(p)=\lim _{r \rightarrow 0} \frac{12\left(\pi r^{2}-A_{p}(r)\right)}{\pi r^{4}}

where Ap(r)A_{p}(r) is the area of the region bounded by the geodesic circle of radius rr centred at pp.

[You may assume that E=1,F=0E=1, F=0 and d(expp)0d\left(\exp _{p}\right)_{0} is an isometry. Taylor's theorem with any form of the remainder may be assumed if accurately stated.]

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