Paper 4, Section II, A

Classical Dynamics | Part II, 2012

A homogenous thin rod of mass MM and length ll is constrained to rotate in a horizontal plane about its centre OO. A bead of mass mm is set to slide along the rod without friction. The bead is attracted to OO by a force resulting in a potential kx2/2k x^{2} / 2, where xx is the distance from OO.

(a) Identify suitable generalized coordinates and write down the Lagrangian of the system.

(b) Identify all conserved quantities.

(c) Derive the equations of motion and show that one of them can be written as

mx¨=Veff(x)xm \ddot{x}=-\frac{\partial V_{\mathrm{eff}}(x)}{\partial x}

where the form of the effective potential Veff (x)V_{\text {eff }}(x) should be found explicitly.

(d) Sketch the effective potential. Find and characterize all points of equilibrium.

(e) Find the frequencies of small oscillations around the stable equilibria.

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