Paper 1, Section II, 39D

Waves | Part II, 2012

Write down the linearized equations governing motion in an inviscid compressible fluid and, assuming an adiabatic relationship p=p(ρ)p=p(\rho), derive the wave equation for the velocity potential ϕ(x,t)\phi(\mathbf{x}, t). Obtain from these linearized equations the energy equation

Et+I=0\frac{\partial E}{\partial t}+\nabla \cdot \mathbf{I}=0

and give expressions for the acoustic energy density EE and the acoustic intensity, or energyflux vector, I.

An inviscid compressible fluid occupies the half-space y>0y>0, and is bounded by a very thin flexible membrane of negligible mass at an undisturbed position y=0y=0. Small acoustic disturbances with velocity potential ϕ(x,y,t)\phi(x, y, t) in the fluid cause the membrane to be deflected to y=η(x,t)y=\eta(x, t). The membrane is supported by springs that, in the deflected state, exert a restoring force KηδxK \eta \delta x on an element δx\delta x of the membrane. Show that the dispersion relation for waves proportional to exp(ikxiωt)\exp (i k x-i \omega t) propagating freely along the membrane is

(k2ω2c02)1/2ρ0ω2K=0\left(k^{2}-\frac{\omega^{2}}{c_{0}^{2}}\right)^{1 / 2}-\frac{\rho_{0} \omega^{2}}{K}=0

where ρ0\rho_{0} is the density of the fluid and c0c_{0} is the sound speed. Show that in such a wave the component Iy\left\langle I_{y}\right\rangle of mean acoustic intensity perpendicular to the membrane is zero.

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