Paper 2, Section II, K

Applied Probability | Part II, 2012

(a) A colony of bacteria evolves as follows. Let XX be a random variable with values in the positive integers. Each bacterium splits into XX copies of itself after an exponentially distributed time of parameter λ>0\lambda>0. Each of the XX daughters then splits in the same way but independently of everything else. This process keeps going forever. Let ZtZ_{t} denote the number of bacteria at time tt. Specify the QQ-matrix of the Markov chain Z=(Zt,t0)Z=\left(Z_{t}, t \geqslant 0\right). [It will be helpful to introduce pn=P(X=n)p_{n}=\mathbb{P}(X=n), and you may assume for simplicity that p0=p1=0.]\left.p_{0}=p_{1}=0 .\right]

(b) Using the Kolmogorov forward equation, or otherwise, show that if u(t)=u(t)= E(ZtZ0=1)\mathbb{E}\left(Z_{t} \mid Z_{0}=1\right), then u(t)=αu(t)u^{\prime}(t)=\alpha u(t) for some α\alpha to be explicitly determined in terms of XX. Assuming that E(X)<\mathbb{E}(X)<\infty, deduce the value of u(t)u(t) for all t0t \geqslant 0, and show that ZZ does not explode. [You may differentiate series term by term and exchange the order of summation without justification.]

(c) We now assume that X=2X=2 with probability 1 . Fix 0<q<10<q<1 and let ϕ(t)=E(qZtZ0=1)\phi(t)=\mathbb{E}\left(q^{Z_{t}} \mid Z_{0}=1\right). Show that ϕ\phi satisfies

ϕ(t)=qeλt+0tλeλsϕ(ts)2ds\phi(t)=q e^{-\lambda t}+\int_{0}^{t} \lambda e^{-\lambda s} \phi(t-s)^{2} d s

By making the change of variables u=tsu=t-s, show that dϕ/dt=λϕ(ϕ1)d \phi / d t=\lambda \phi(\phi-1). Deduce that for all n1,P(Zt=nZ0=1)=βn1(1β)n \geqslant 1, \mathbb{P}\left(Z_{t}=n \mid Z_{0}=1\right)=\beta^{n-1}(1-\beta) where β=1eλt\beta=1-e^{-\lambda t}.

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