Paper 4, Section II, K

Principles of Statistics | Part II, 2012

For i=1,,ni=1, \ldots, n, the pairs (Xi,Yi)\left(X_{i}, Y_{i}\right) have independent bivariate normal distributions, with E(Xi)=μX,E(Yi)=μY,var(Xi)=var(Yi)=ϕ\mathbb{E}\left(X_{i}\right)=\mu_{X}, \mathbb{E}\left(Y_{i}\right)=\mu_{Y}, \operatorname{var}\left(X_{i}\right)=\operatorname{var}\left(Y_{i}\right)=\phi, and corr(Xi,Yi)=ρ\operatorname{corr}\left(X_{i}, Y_{i}\right)=\rho. The means μX,μY\mu_{X}, \mu_{Y} are known; the parameters ϕ>0\phi>0 and ρ(1,1)\rho \in(-1,1) are unknown.

Show that the joint distribution of all the variables belongs to an exponential family, and identify the natural sufficient statistic, natural parameter, and mean-value parameter. Hence or otherwise, find the maximum likelihood estimator ρ^\hat{\rho} of ρ\rho.

Let Ui:=Xi+Yi,Vi:=XiYiU_{i}:=X_{i}+Y_{i}, V_{i}:=X_{i}-Y_{i}. What is the joint distribution of (Ui,Vi)?\left(U_{i}, V_{i}\right) ?

Show that the distribution of

(1+ρ^)/(1ρ^)(1+ρ)/(1ρ)\frac{(1+\hat{\rho}) /(1-\hat{\rho})}{(1+\rho) /(1-\rho)}

is FnnF_{n}^{n}. Hence describe a (1α)(1-\alpha)-level confidence interval for ρ\rho. Briefly explain what would change if μX\mu_{X} and μY\mu_{Y} were also unknown.

[Recall that the distribution Fν2ν1F_{\nu_{2}}^{\nu_{1}} is that of (W1/ν1)/(W2/ν2)\left(W_{1} / \nu_{1}\right) /\left(W_{2} / \nu_{2}\right), where, independently for j=1j=1 and j=2,Wjj=2, W_{j} has the chi-squared distribution with νj\nu_{j} degrees of freedom.]

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