Paper 2, Section II, E

Applications of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2012

A solution of the SS-wave Schrödinger equation at large distances for a particle of mass mm with momentum k\hbar k and energy E=2k2/2mE=\hbar^{2} k^{2} / 2 m, has the form

ψ0(r)Ar[sinkr+g(k)coskr].\psi_{0}(\boldsymbol{r}) \sim \frac{A}{r}[\sin k r+g(k) \cos k r] .

Define the phase shift δ0\delta_{0} and verify that tanδ0(k)=g(k)\tan \delta_{0}(k)=g(k).

Write down a formula for the cross-section σ\sigma, for a particle of momentum k\hbar k scattering on a radially symmetric potential of finite range, as a function of the phase shifts δl\delta_{l} for the partial waves with quantum number ll.

(i) Suppose that g(k)=k/Kg(k)=-k / K for K>0K>0. Show that there is a bound state of energy EB=2K2/2mE_{B}=-\hbar^{2} K^{2} / 2 m. Neglecting the contribution from partial waves with l>0l>0 show that the cross section is

σ=4πK2+k2.\sigma=\frac{4 \pi}{K^{2}+k^{2}} .

(ii) Suppose now that g(k)=γ/(K0k)g(k)=\gamma /\left(K_{0}-k\right) with K0>0,γ>0K_{0}>0, \gamma>0 and γK0\gamma \ll K_{0}. Neglecting the contribution from partial waves with l>0l>0, derive an expression for the cross section σ\sigma, and show that it has a local maximum when E2K02/2 mE \approx \hbar^{2} K_{0}^{2} / 2 \mathrm{~m}. Discuss the interpretation of this phenomenon in terms of resonant behaviour and derive an expression for the decay width of the resonant state.

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