
Riemann Surfaces | Part II, 2005

Let Λ\Lambda be a lattice in C\mathbb{C} generated by 1 and τ\tau, where τ\tau is a fixed complex number with Imτ>0\operatorname{Im} \tau>0. The Weierstrass \wp-function is defined as a Λ\Lambda-periodic meromorphic function such that

(1) the only poles of \wp are at points of Λ\Lambda, and

(2) there exist positive constants ε\varepsilon and MM such that for all z<ε|z|<\varepsilon, we have

(z)1/z2<Mz\left|\wp(z)-1 / z^{2}\right|<M|z|

Show that \wp is uniquely determined by the above properties and that (z)=(z)\wp(-z)=\wp(z). By considering the valency of \wp at z=1/2z=1 / 2, show that (1/2)0\wp^{\prime \prime}(1 / 2) \neq 0.

Show that \wp satisfies the differential equation

(z)=62(z)+A,\wp^{\prime \prime}(z)=6 \wp^{2}(z)+A,

for some complex constant AA.

[Standard theorems about doubly-periodic meromorphic functions may be used without proof provided they are accurately stated, but any properties of the \wp-function that you use must be deduced from first principles.]

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