
Galois Theory | Part II, 2005

Let KK be a field of characteristic 0 containing all roots of unity.

(i) Let LL be the splitting field of the polynomial XnaX^{n}-a where aKa \in K. Show that the Galois group of L/KL / K is cyclic.

(ii) Suppose that M/KM / K is a cyclic extension of degree mm over KK. Let gg be a generator of the Galois group and ζK\zeta \in K a primitive mm-th root of 1 . By considering the resolvent

R(w)=i=0m1gi(w)ζiR(w)=\sum_{i=0}^{m-1} \frac{g^{i}(w)}{\zeta^{i}}

of elements wMw \in M, show that MM is the splitting field of a polynomial XmaX^{m}-a for some aKa \in K.

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