
Cosmology | Part II, 2005

For an ideal gas of bosons, the average occupation number can be expressed as

nˉk=gke(Ekμ)/kT1,\bar{n}_{k}=\frac{g_{k}}{e^{\left(E_{k}-\mu\right) / k T}-1},

where gkg_{k} has been included to account for the degeneracy of the energy level EkE_{k}. In the approximation in which a discrete set of energies EkE_{k} is replaced with a continuous set with momentum pp, the density of one-particle states with momentum in the range pp to p+dpp+d p is g(p)dpg(p) d p. Explain briefly why

g(p)p2V,g(p) \propto p^{2} V,

where VV is the volume of the gas. Using this formula with equation ()(*), obtain an expression for the total energy density ϵ=E/V\epsilon=E / V of an ultra-relativistic gas of bosons at zero chemical potential as an integral over pp. Hence show that

ϵTα\epsilon \propto T^{\alpha}

where α\alpha is a number you should find. Why does this formula apply to photons?

Prior to a time t100,000t \sim 100,000 years, the universe was filled with a gas of photons and non-relativistic free electrons and protons. Subsequently, at around t400,000t \sim 400,000 years, the protons and electrons began combining to form neutral hydrogen,

p+eH+γp+e^{-} \leftrightarrow H+\gamma

Deduce Saha's equation for this recombination process stating clearly the steps required:

ne2nH=(2πmekTh2)3/2exp(I/kT)\frac{n_{\mathrm{e}}^{2}}{n_{\mathrm{H}}}=\left(\frac{2 \pi m_{\mathrm{e}} k T}{h^{2}}\right)^{3 / 2} \exp (-I / k T)

where II is the ionization energy of hydrogen. [Note that the equilibrium number density of a non-relativistic species (kTmc2)\left(k T \ll m c^{2}\right) is given by n=gs(2πmkTh2)3/2exp[(μmc2)/kT]n=g_{s}\left(\frac{2 \pi m k T}{h^{2}}\right)^{3 / 2} \exp \left[\left(\mu-m c^{2}\right) / k T\right], while the photon number density is nγ=16πζ(3)(kThc)3n_{\gamma}=16 \pi \zeta(3)\left(\frac{k T}{h c}\right)^{3}, where ζ(3)1.20]\left.\zeta(3) \approx 1.20 \ldots\right]

Consider now the fractional ionization Xe=ne/nBX_{\mathrm{e}}=n_{\mathrm{e}} / n_{\mathrm{B}}, where nB=np+nH=ηnγn_{B}=n_{\mathrm{p}}+n_{\mathrm{H}}=\eta n_{\gamma} is the baryon number of the universe and η\eta is the baryon-to-photon ratio. Find an expression for the ratio

(1Xe)/Xe2\left(1-X_{\mathrm{e}}\right) / X_{\mathrm{e}}^{2}

in terms only of kTk T and constants such as η\eta and II. One might expect neutral hydrogen to form at a temperature given by kTI13eVk T \approx I \approx 13 \mathrm{eV}, but instead in our universe it forms at the much lower temperature kT0.3eVk T \approx 0.3 \mathrm{eV}. Briefly explain why.

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