
Further Complex Methods | Part II, 2005

Two representations of the zeta function are

ζ(z)=Γ(1z)2πi(0+)tz1et1dt and ζ(z)=1nz\zeta(z)=\frac{\Gamma(1-z)}{2 \pi i} \int_{-\infty}^{\left(0^{+}\right)} \frac{t^{z-1}}{e^{-t}-1} d t \quad \text { and } \quad \zeta(z)=\sum_{1}^{\infty} n^{-z}

where, in the integral representation, the path is the Hankel contour and the principal branch of tz1t^{z-1}, for which argz<π|\arg z|<\pi, is to be used. State the range of zz for which each representation is valid.

Evaluate the integral

γtz1et1dt\int_{\gamma} \frac{t^{z-1}}{e^{-t}-1} d t

where γ\gamma is a closed path consisting of the straight line z=πi+xz=\pi i+x, with x<2Nπ|x|<2 N \pi, and the semicircle zπi=2Nπ|z-\pi i|=2 N \pi, with Imz>π\operatorname{Im} z>\pi, where NN is a positive integer.

Making use of this result and assuming, when necessary, that the integral along the curved part of γ\gamma is negligible when NN is large, derive the functional equation

ζ(z)=2zπz1sin(πz/2)Γ(1z)ζ(1z)\zeta(z)=2^{z} \pi^{z-1} \sin (\pi z / 2) \Gamma(1-z) \zeta(1-z)

for z1z \neq 1.

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