
Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2005

Define the stable and unstable invariant subspaces of the linearisation of a dynamical system x˙=f(x)\dot{\mathbf{x}}=\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x}) at a saddle point located at the origin in Rn\mathbb{R}^{n}. How, according to the Stable Manifold Theorem, are the stable and unstable manifolds related to the invariant subspaces?

Calculate the stable and unstable manifolds, correct to cubic order, for the system

x˙=x+x2+2xy+3y2y˙=y+3x2\begin{aligned} &\dot{x}=x+x^{2}+2 x y+3 y^{2} \\ &\dot{y}=-y+3 x^{2} \end{aligned}

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