The Independent, June 1999 , under the headline 'Tourists get hidden costs warnings' gave the following table of prices in pounds, called 'How the resorts compared'.
Algarve CostaDelSol Majorca Tenerife Florida Tunisia Cyprus Turkey Corfu Sorrento Malta Rhodes Sicily Madeira 8.006.9510.2512.3015.6010.9011.606.505.207.7011.206.3013.2510.250.501.301.451.251.901.401.
Here the column headings are, respectively: Three-course meal, Bottle of Beer, Suntan Lotion, Taxi (5km), Film (24 exp), Car Hire (per week). Interpret the R commands, and explain how to interpret the corresponding (slightly abbreviated) R output given below. Your solution should include a careful statement of the underlying statistical model, but you may quote without proof any distributional results required.

Residual standard error: 0.3425 on 65 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.962