1.II 37E37 \mathrm{E} \quad

Waves | Part II, 2005

An elastic solid with density ρ\rho has Lamé moduli λ\lambda and μ\mu. Write down equations satisfied by the dilational and shear potentials ϕ\phi and ψ\boldsymbol{\psi}.

For a two-dimensional disturbance give expressions for the displacement field u=(ux,uy,0)\mathbf{u}=\left(u_{x}, u_{y}, 0\right) in terms of ϕ(x,y;t)\phi(x, y ; t) and ψ=(0,0,ψ(x,y;t))\psi=(0,0, \psi(x, y ; t)).

Suppose the solid occupies the region y<0y<0 and that the surface y=0y=0 is free of traction. Find a combination of solutions for ϕ\phi and ψ\psi that represent a propagating surface wave (a Rayleigh wave) near y=0y=0. Show that the wave is non-dispersive and obtain an equation for the speed cc. [You may assume without proof that this equation has a unique positive root.]

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