3.II.36E3 . \mathrm{II} . 36 \mathrm{E} \quad

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2005

Write down the Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid.

Explain the concepts of the Euler and Prandtl limits applied to the Navier-Stokes equations near a rigid boundary.

A steady two-dimensional flow given by (U,0)(U, 0) far upstream flows past a semi-infinite flat plate, held at y=0,x>0y=0, x>0. Derive the boundary layer equation

ψy2ψxyψx2ψy2=ν3ψy3\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial y} \frac{\partial^{2} \psi}{\partial x \partial y}-\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x} \frac{\partial^{2} \psi}{\partial y^{2}}=\nu \frac{\partial^{3} \psi}{\partial y^{3}}

for the stream-function ψ(x,y)\psi(x, y) near the plate, explaining any approximations made.

Show that the appropriate solution must be of the form

ψ(x,y)=(νUx)1/2f(η),\psi(x, y)=(\nu U x)^{1 / 2} f(\eta),

and determine the dimensionless variable η\eta.

Derive the equation and boundary conditions satisfied by f(η)f(\eta). [You need not solve them.]

Suppose now that the plate has a finite length LL in the direction of the flow. Show that the force FF on the plate (per unit width perpendicular to the flow) is given by

F=4ρU2L(UL/ν)1/2f(0)[f()]2.F=\frac{4 \rho U^{2} L}{(U L / \nu)^{1 / 2}} \frac{f^{\prime \prime}(0)}{\left[f^{\prime}(\infty)\right]^{2}} .

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