Paper 3, Section II, B

Vector Calculus | Part IA, 2019

For a given set of coordinate axes the components of a 2 nd rank tensor TT are given by TijT_{i j}.

(a) Show that if λ\lambda is an eigenvalue of the matrix with elements TijT_{i j} then it is also an eigenvalue of the matrix of the components of TT in any other coordinate frame.

Show that if TT is a symmetric tensor then the multiplicity of the eigenvalues of the matrix of components of TT is independent of coordinate frame.

A symmetric tensor TT in three dimensions has eigenvalues λ,λ,μ\lambda, \lambda, \mu, with μλ\mu \neq \lambda.

Show that the components of TT can be written in the form

Tij=αδij+βninjT_{i j}=\alpha \delta_{i j}+\beta n_{i} n_{j}

where nin_{i} are the components of a unit vector.

(b) The tensor TT is defined by

Tij(y)=Sxixjexp(cyx2)dA(x)T_{i j}(\mathbf{y})=\int_{S} x_{i} x_{j} \exp \left(-c|\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{x}|^{2}\right) d A(\mathbf{x})

where SS is the surface of the unit sphere, y\mathbf{y} is the position vector of a point on SS, and cc is a constant.

Deduce, with brief reasoning, that the components of TT can be written in the form (1) with ni=yin_{i}=y_{i}. [You may quote any results derived in part (a).]

Using suitable spherical polar coordinates evaluate TkkT_{k k} and TijyiyjT_{i j} y_{i} y_{j}.

Explain how to deduce the values of α\alpha and β\beta from TkkT_{k k} and TijyiyjT_{i j} y_{i} y_{j}. [You do not need to write out the detailed formulae for these quantities.]

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