Paper 3, Section II, C

Vector Calculus | Part IA, 2018

(a) Suppose that a tensor TijT_{i j} can be decomposed as

Tij=Sij+ϵijkVkT_{i j}=S_{i j}+\epsilon_{i j k} V_{k}

where SijS_{i j} is symmetric. Obtain expressions for SijS_{i j} and VkV_{k} in terms of TijT_{i j}, and check that ()(*) is satisfied.

(b) State the most general form of an isotropic tensor of rank kk for k=0,1,2,3k=0,1,2,3, and verify that your answers are isotropic.

(c) The general form of an isotropic tensor of rank 4 is

Tijkl=αδijδkl+βδikδjl+γδilδjkT_{i j k l}=\alpha \delta_{i j} \delta_{k l}+\beta \delta_{i k} \delta_{j l}+\gamma \delta_{i l} \delta_{j k}

Suppose that AijA_{i j} and BijB_{i j} satisfy the linear relationship Aij=TijklBklA_{i j}=T_{i j k l} B_{k l}, where TijklT_{i j k l} is isotropic. Express BijB_{i j} in terms of AijA_{i j}, assuming that β2γ2\beta^{2} \neq \gamma^{2} and 3α+β+γ03 \alpha+\beta+\gamma \neq 0. If instead β=γ0\beta=-\gamma \neq 0 and α0\alpha \neq 0, find all BijB_{i j} such that Aij=0A_{i j}=0.

(d) Suppose that CijC_{i j} and DijD_{i j} satisfy the quadratic relationship Cij=TijklmnDklDmnC_{i j}=T_{i j k l m n} D_{k l} D_{m n}, where TijklmnT_{i j k l m n} is an isotropic tensor of rank 6 . If CijC_{i j} is symmetric and DijD_{i j} is antisymmetric, find the most general non-zero form of TijklmnDklDmnT_{i j k l m n} D_{k l} D_{m n} and prove that there are only two independent terms. [Hint: You do not need to use the general form of an isotropic tensor of rank 6.]

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