Paper 4, Section II, 5E5 E

Numbers and Sets | Part IA, 2018

Let nn be a positive integer. Show that for any aa coprime to nn, there is a unique bb (modn)(\bmod n) such that ab1(modn)a b \equiv 1(\bmod n). Show also that if aa and bb are integers coprime to nn, then aba b is also coprime to nn. [Any version of Bezout's theorem may be used without proof provided it is clearly stated.]

State and prove Wilson's theorem.

Let nn be a positive integer and pp be a prime. Show that the exponent of pp in the prime factorisation of nn ! is given by i=1np2\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\left\lfloor\frac{n}{p^{2}}\right\rfloor where x\lfloor x\rfloor denotes the integer part of xx.

Evaluate 20!mod2320! \mod 23 and 100!mod10249100! \mod 10^{249}

Let pp be a prime and 0<k<pm0<k<p^{m}. Let \ell be the exponent of pp in the prime factorisation of kk. Find the exponent of pp in the prime factorisation of (pmk)\left(\begin{array}{c}p^{m} \\ k\end{array}\right), in terms of mm and \ell.

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