Paper 4, Section II, A

Dynamics and Relativity | Part IA, 2017

A particle of unit mass moves under the influence of a central force. By considering the components of the acceleration in polar coordinates (r,θ)(r, \theta) prove that the magnitude of the angular momentum is conserved. [You may use r¨=(r¨rθ˙2)r^+(2r˙θ˙+rθ¨)θ^\ddot{\mathbf{r}}=\left(\ddot{r}-r \dot{\theta}^{2}\right) \hat{\mathbf{r}}+(2 \dot{r} \dot{\theta}+r \ddot{\theta}) \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}. ]

Now suppose that the central force is derived from the potential k/rk / r, where kk is a constant.

(a) Show that the total energy of the particle can be written in the form

E=12r˙2+Veff(r)E=\frac{1}{2} \dot{r}^{2}+V_{\mathrm{eff}}(r)

Sketch Veff (r)V_{\text {eff }}(r) in the cases k>0k>0 and k<0k<0.

(b) The particle is projected from a very large distance from the origin with speed vv and impact parameter bb. [The impact parameter is the distance of closest approach to the origin in absence of any force.]

(i) In the case k<0k<0, sketch the particle's trajectory and find the shortest distance pp between the particle and the origin, and the speed uu of the particle when r=pr=p.

(ii) In the case k>0k>0, sketch the particle's trajectory and find the corresponding shortest distance p~\widetilde{p} between the particle and the origin, and the speed u~\widetilde{u}of the particle when r=p~r=\widetilde{p}.

(iii) Find pp~p \tilde{p} and uu~u \tilde{u} in terms of bb and vv. [In answering part (iii) you should assume that k|k| is the same in parts (i) and (ii).]

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