Paper 1, Section II, D

Analysis I | Part IA, 2012

Let (an)\left(a_{n}\right) be a sequence of reals.

(i) Show that if the sequence (an+1an)\left(a_{n+1}-a_{n}\right) is convergent then so is the sequence (ann)\left(\frac{a_{n}}{n}\right).

(ii) Give an example to show the sequence (ann)\left(\frac{a_{n}}{n}\right) being convergent does not imply that the sequence (an+1an)\left(a_{n+1}-a_{n}\right) is convergent.

(iii) If an+kan0a_{n+k}-a_{n} \rightarrow 0 as nn \rightarrow \infty for each positive integer kk, does it follow that (an)\left(a_{n}\right) is convergent? Justify your answer.

(iv) If an+f(n)an0a_{n+f(n)}-a_{n} \rightarrow 0 as nn \rightarrow \infty for every function ff from the positive integers to the positive integers, does it follow that (an)\left(a_{n}\right) is convergent? Justify your answer.

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