Paper 2, Section II, A

Differential Equations | Part IA, 2012

Consider the second-order differential equation for y(t)y(t) in t0t \geqslant 0

y¨+2ky˙+(k2+ω2)y=f(t).\ddot{y}+2 k \dot{y}+\left(k^{2}+\omega^{2}\right) y=f(t) .

(i) For f(t)=0f(t)=0, find the general solution y1(t)y_{1}(t) of ()(*).

(ii) For f(t)=δ(ta)f(t)=\delta(t-a) with a>0a>0, find the solution y2(t,a)y_{2}(t, a) of ()(*) that satisfies y=0y=0 and y˙=0\dot{y}=0 at t=0t=0.

(iii) For f(t)=H(tb)f(t)=H(t-b) with b>0b>0, find the solution y3(t,b)y_{3}(t, b) of ()(*) that satisfies y=0y=0 and y˙=0\dot{y}=0 at t=0.t=0 .

(iv) Show that

y2(t,b)=y3by_{2}(t, b)=-\frac{\partial y_{3}}{\partial b}

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