Paper 4, Section II, A

Dynamics and Relativity | Part IA, 2009

Davros departs on a rocket voyage from the planet Skaro, travelling at speed uu (where 0<u<c0<u<c ) in the positive xx direction in Skaro's rest frame. After travelling a distance LL in Skaro's rest frame, he jumps onto another rocket travelling at speed vv^{\prime} (where 0<v<c0<v^{\prime}<c ) in the positive xx direction in the first rocket's rest frame. After travelling a further distance LL in Skaro's rest frame, he jumps onto a third rocket, travelling at speed w(w^{\prime \prime}\left(\right. where 0<w<c0<w^{\prime \prime}<c ) in the negative xx direction in the second rocket's rest frame.

Let vv and ww be Davros' speed on the second and third rockets, respectively, in Skaro's rest frame. Show that

v=(u+v)(1+uvc2)1v=\left(u+v^{\prime}\right)\left(1+\frac{u v^{\prime}}{c^{2}}\right)^{-1}

Express ww in terms of u,v,wu, v^{\prime}, w^{\prime \prime} and cc.

How large must ww^{\prime \prime} be, expressed in terms of u,vu, v^{\prime} and cc, to ensure that Davros eventually returns to Skaro?

Supposing that ww^{\prime \prime} satisfies this condition, draw a spacetime diagram illustrating Davros' journey. Label clearly each point where he boards a rocket and the point of his return to Skaro, and give the coordinates of each point in Skaro's rest frame, expressed in terms of u,v,w,cu, v, w, c and LL.

Hence, or otherwise, calculate how much older Davros will be on his return, and how much time will have elapsed on Skaro during his voyage, giving your answers in terms of u,v,w,cu, v, w, c and LL.

[You may neglect any effects due to gravity and any corrections arising from Davros' brief accelerations when getting onto or leaving rockets.

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