
Differential Equations | Part IA, 2005

Find two linearly independent solutions of the difference equation

Xn+22cosθXn+1+Xn=0X_{n+2}-2 \cos \theta X_{n+1}+X_{n}=0

for all values of θ(0,π)\theta \in(0, \pi). What happens when θ=0\theta=0 ? Find two linearly independent solutions in this case.

Find Xn(θ)X_{n}(\theta) which satisfy the initial conditions

X1=1,X2=2,X_{1}=1, \quad X_{2}=2,

for θ=0\theta=0 and for θ(0,π)\theta \in(0, \pi). For every nn, show that Xn(θ)Xn(0)X_{n}(\theta) \rightarrow X_{n}(0) as θ0\theta \rightarrow 0.

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