
Probability | Part IA, 2003

Planet Zog is a ball with centre OO. Three spaceships A,BA, B and CC land at random on its surface, their positions being independent and each uniformly distributed on its surface. Calculate the probability density function of the angle AOB\angle A O B formed by the lines OAO A and OBO B.

Spaceships AA and BB can communicate directly by radio if AOB<π/2\angle A O B<\pi / 2, and similarly for spaceships BB and CC and spaceships AA and CC. Given angle AOB=γ<π/2\angle A O B=\gamma<\pi / 2, calculate the probability that CC can communicate directly with either AA or BB. Given angle AOB=γ>π/2\angle A O B=\gamma>\pi / 2, calculate the probability that CC can communicate directly with both AA and BB. Hence, or otherwise, show that the probability that all three spaceships can keep in in touch (with, for example, AA communicating with BB via CC if necessary) is (π+2)/(4π)(\pi+2) /(4 \pi).

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