
Numbers and Sets | Part IA, 2002

What does it mean to say that a function f:ABf: A \rightarrow B is injective? What does it mean to say that a function g:ABg: A \rightarrow B is surjective?

Consider the functions f:AB,g:BCf: A \rightarrow B, g: B \rightarrow C and their composition gf:ACg \circ f: A \rightarrow C given by gf(a)=g(f(a))g \circ f(a)=g(f(a)). Prove the following results.

(i) If ff and gg are surjective, then so is gfg \circ f.

(ii) If ff and gg are injective, then so is gfg \circ f.

(iii) If gfg \circ f is injective, then so is ff.

(iv) If gfg \circ f is surjective, then so is gg.

Give an example where gfg \circ f is injective and surjective but ff is not surjective and gg is not injective.

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